Upload Multiple dialog box
In this dialog box, you can specify multiple files and upload them to FTP server. You can invoke this dialog box using FTP Upload command on File | FTP menu.

Files to upload
List of files to upload.
FTP account
Select FTP server where you want to upload the local file. You can edit FTP account settings by pressing 'Setting' button.
Select the FTP group that contains desired FTP account.
Enter initial subdirectory where you want to upload the local file. If this field is empty, the file will be uploaded to a default FTP directory.
Restore last directory
Check this option to restore the last subdirectory option.
Base local directory
Enter base local directory. If the loacl file is on a subdirectory of the base local directory, it will be uploaded to the corresponding subdirectory of the remote directory.
Use base local directory option
Check this option to use the base local directory setting.
Transfer type
Select 'ASCII' if the file is a plain text file and select 'Binary' if it is an image or a binary file.
Close dialog box after transfer
Check this options if you want to close the dialog box after the file transfer.
Press this button to begin uploading.
Add files to the list. This command presents Select File dialog box.
Remove selected files from the list.
Press this button to edit FTP account settings.